Tagged as: environment

Why We Must Raise Children Who Care About the Welfare of Animals


This image has haunted me for over a week now, since I first saw it in my Facebook newsfeed. I simply cannot get it out of my mind, and that’s arguably a good thing. Normally I scroll quickly past such disturbing photos. There seem to be more than enough of them on social media, documenting animal abuse in every imaginable form in every country on Earth. You could place them side-by-side along a 24,000-mile invisible thread that encircles the globe at the equator. Read more…

Lobster Boat Blockade of Coal Plant Leads District Attorney to Climate Leadership

lobster boat

When I met my husband Geof Day, his work as a climate activist introduced me to some interesting people involved with 350.org. Recently, I heard the inspiring story of Ken Ward and Jay O’Hara, two climate activists who, up until September 8th, thought they would be doing prison time for their bold action of blockading the largest coal-fired power plant on the East Coast with an old lobster boat. Last week, Sam Sutter, a local District Attorney, agreed that because the actions of Ward and O’Hara at Brayton Point were reasonably reflective of a broader danger (that of climate change), all charges, beyond paying some minor damages, should be dropped. Later, in a stunning move, that same DA–while waving a copy of Rolling Stone featuring an article by 350.org founder Bill McKibben–stated that climate change is “one of the greatest crises our planet has ever faced,” that political leadership on this matter has been “sorely lacking,” and that he would be joining them at the upcoming People’s Climate March.

This is an interesting and important story, especially on the eve of world leaders’ convergence at what is being billed as “the largest climate march in history” – the People’s Climate March – in New York City on Sept 21, 2014.

Here’s an interview with Jay O’Hara and Ken Ward, with thanks to Geof for connecting me to them so that they could tell their own story. Read more…

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