I’m done with them in real life. I’m done with them on social media.
Despite what others—including myself in the past—have said, you can escape middle school. All you have to do is leave. I’m leaving. Read more…
I’m done with them in real life. I’m done with them on social media.
Despite what others—including myself in the past—have said, you can escape middle school. All you have to do is leave. I’m leaving. Read more…
Do you remember being a little kid in your early years of school, sitting on the floor in a circle with your legs crossed? Maybe your teacher was reading a story or maybe you were singing a song and shaking maracas and tambourines. Sometimes a child would arrive late — late to school in the morning, or perhaps just returning from the nurse’s office or the bathroom. For some reason that child was not there when the circle formed, and as that child approaches — let’s call her Katie — the teacher says something.
“Ok everyone, scooch back a bit to make room in the circle for Katie.” Read more…
I think I’m getting ruminative in my menopausal fugue—solidly on the other side of divorce, career reinvention, and starting over in a new place with a new love. I have almost all new friends now, at 51.
The ones I spent so many years with—bound together by our children’s friendships and lots of school potlucks—scattered like dandelion seeds to the wind when my first marriage ended. Only Ebola instills more fear of contagion than the divorce of a friend whose marriage seemed perfect. Read more…
I think I’m getting ruminative in my menopausal fugue — solidly on the other side of divorce, career reinvention, and starting over in a new place with a new love. I have almost all new friends now, at 51. The ones I spent so many years with — bound together by our children’s friendships and lots of school potlucks — scattered like dandelion seeds to the wind when my first marriage ended. Only Ebola instills more fear of contagion than the divorce of a friend whose marriage seemed perfect. Read more…
I am happily married today because of my computer. Well, partly! The cyberworld brought me the husband that I could never have found in any other way. I should write Match.com into my will.
When I think about why online dating succeeded while being set up by my friends failed, it’s because I knew myself and what I wanted in a man the second time around better than my friends did, and I’m not sure I could have articulated my wishes even if I’d wanted to, which I didn’t. What was important to me at that time in my life was so different than what was important to those friends or what they assumed would naturally still be important to me. Read more…
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